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Industry We Serve

Makmor™ was founded as a result of a two-decade long experience in catering to a diverse clientele from different industries. At Makmor™, we choose an industry where we have a considerable amount of practical experience which directly increases our ability to understand its customers. As a result, we have developed an acumen to better understand the problems and issues faced by firms and hence, create solutions that are beneficial for all the stakeholders involved – employees, partners, and clients. 



Viewed is helping us promote prosperity in the world,  and playing a pivotal role in shaping human lives.


Aerospace & Defense

One of the most strategic industries, the Aerospace & Defence (A&D) sector in India is slated to grow to $70 billion by 2030.



Indian automotive sector is projected to reach $300 bn by 2026 (Source Invest India) thus making India world’s third-largest automotive market.


Retail & e-commerce

Technology has revolutionized the global retail industry and has enabled people to buy from the comfort of their homes.


Real Estate

The Covid crisis has further accentuated the fragility of the industry and given rise to emerging demands for smart homes, integrated townships.


Media & Entertainment

One of the most promising sunrise sectors in India, the Media & Entertainment Industry is set to see phenomenal growth in the coming years.


Water Management

Water plays an important role in the world economy. Approximately 70% of the freshwater used by humans goes to agriculture.


At MakmorX©, we wholeheartedly believe that by combining the powerful tools of disruptive knowledge, innovative products, and pathbreaking services, we can significantly impact people’s lives and create a sustainable future for generations to come. This is one of the topmost priorities of our company.